We start another season of this awesome challenge! Here is the button: Grab it and post it wherever you want. Sadly, the service to grab-and-link back doesn't work anymore, but you can always download it and just post a link to the FAQ in this blog ♥

If you are in FB there is a FRAME you can grab! From the 29 faces page, just click and select for a day, a week, or as long as you want it in your profile.
I am not doing the Mr Linky this time around because seems like mostly people are posting in insragram and other networks, but that is fine, we all are still linked together by the hashtag, so don't forget to use it and explain what it is - one pace created every day for the month of February.
Check on youtube as well! I will be posting daily, or as often as time allows.
You don't have to post everyday BUT, you have to give yourself time to do your art.
You will feel so much better!
Leave a comment with your blog posts, let us know if you are participating and from what part of the world. -- Check the tabs above for tons of art links, and check the side bar awesome Links if you need an online class to start.