Jan 23, 2013

How to add Link

I am Not using Linky for the time being!

  PLEASE READ IT ALL. Twice if needed :oD
To show all the blog posts in one link, you need a label/tag.

Your participating CHALLENGE RELATED posts have to include the label/tag 29 faces or any variation you prefer, but always the same label so it will link to all your post (make sure you type it in EVERY post for the challenge-related in your blog!) and that's the link to paste in the Linky here.

* Make an introduction first posting, type a label/tag;
* Post it like you normally do, 
* Now go and click on that label of the post
* Copy the URL in your browser and paste it here in the Linky

It should look something like this:
 so the link you post will take the readers to all your challenge's posts. * If your link ends in "html" then you don't have the right link!
This way we only have to post one link, and have our 29 postings showing. (^._.^)

You can join at any time during the month of February (or September)! The Linky will close at the end of the month on the 28th

Please read all the help-posts on the right bar, and if you still need help just ask me in this blog.

No facebook or ning links! Those do not work as blogs, and if the reader is not a member, can't see anything anyway. There's a group in FB for those participants without a blog, listed in the side bar.

For Tumblr, flickr, instagram and other visual blogs, you still need the label/tag and link from there. But you might get less comments if the participants are not members of those sites! They can see the image but can't comment. You are still welcome to participate if you don't mind that issue, just use a label! (no labeled blogs and unrelated posts will be removed)


  1. Does "Linky" have some other meaning besides a regular link? Are you being cute by saying it that way or is there something else I should know? I don't know where to post the URL copied from my browser. Sorry..... :(

    1. Linky is the name of the widget "Mr. Linky" Although I am known to type words in a funny way, this time it is the real name of the thing :oD
      I am sorry I was so late to answer, the blog was not sending me notifications of the comments, my apologies!

  2. Martha, I think I may have linked up twice? Not really sure how it works. The last one which I put in today was not supposed to go in there? hehehe, sorry.

  3. All I get is the "html" at the end. It may take all 29 days to figure this out.... harder stuff than drawing the faces!

    1. I know, it can be a bit complicated, but it not really that hard once you do it. Do you need more help? I added an image

  4. Ok lets see if I got this right??/ http://purplecats-corner.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/29%20faces
    Do I need to put this anywhere else or is here correct??

  5. Where IS the linky? I think I'm really missing something.....

  6. Never mind. I see it now. I just had to go back.....

  7. I still don't get it. The directions say post your link here. Where 'exactly' is here? I get how to make my link, but I have no idea where to add it to the Linky list.

  8. Terry - I don't see my comment here, but I'm having the exact same problem. I can't find the Linky!

  9. I was as lost as the rest of you, but then I found Mr. Linky. Go to the top of this page and click on Sept 2013. Then scroll down on that page and you will find your man.

  10. just found the page where we paste our links :D

  11. Hi Martha, think I did the link up wrong, will try again, looking forwardto the days ahead!! :)

  12. Hi all I'm so happ for this challenge wiw great I'm in

  13. I linked up several times because I just could not get it right. The last Gabriele is the right one. So sorry!

  14. I entered my regular blogsite instead of the search term. I'm gonna do it again but is there some way I can delete the first one or you can delete it?

  15. I'm going to jump in and give it a try! Hope I link it right- just let me know and I'll change it right away:) Thanks so much for hosting this!

  16. Im sooooo sorry Ayala I posted the wrong link!

  17. I have to use the html at the end of my link. I took it off and posted it on the Linky and now it goes nowhere.

    I am using a PAGE for my faces, not a blog post.

    My correct link for Linky is:

    Can you add that for me, or delete my link and I'll redo it?
    I'm #98


  18. OK. The thing with a Page that shows only one post is that many feel like they already commented, and do not post a comment again. If you do it by labels, looks like a page, can be a page, and each post is separate from others. You just have to open a blank page and add your link with a label there. (If you want to!) :o)

    1. Oh, ok!! I'll do it that way for sure then! Now I'm not sure how to correct my broken link on Linky!

  19. Hi there, I did my first link wrong (#29) and did it again the correct way. Can you delete the first one? Thanks!

  20. Well, I see others have my problem. I linked up twice because the first time I just linked to my blog and then I read about the 29 Faces tag.

    The last one I posted is the correct one. Thanks, Sherry Key

  21. Oops...I made a boo boo too. The second link (the last one)is the correct one. I didn't see the add 29 Faces tag until I had already linked. Thanks, Sherry Key

  22. I added the correct link to Linky, thank you. #96 can be deleted.


  23. I do not have the same blog set up I can't see the links below my blog post.. help - Rachel Biddlecome - here is the link to my 29 faces.. it includes the ones from February -http://rachelbiddlecome.weebly.com/1/category/29%20faces/1.html

    1. Hi Rachel, your link is fine, you just need to add it in the TAB in my top menu called SEPT 2013, you will see an area in that post to add your link, along with all the other participants.
      Visit them and comment, and they will come visit you too. Thanks for participating!

  24. Hopefully linked up and tagged right. I played in September and am trying it again! Can't wait to go check out everyone's creativity!

  25. Okay, I guess I did the same thing others did. My link is listed twice. Can you fix it?
    Thank you

  26. It sounds like you don't want those who have Flickr accounts. I don't have a blog, but I use Flickr and it's public, but if I link to the set, no one is going to comment

    1. Is not that "I don't want them" as I do have a flickr account too, but if people are not members, they don't know where to post, or can't comment because they are not members.
      There has been people in the past that have a flikr link, so if you want to try, that's ok. :o)

  27. hopefully linked up too, this will be my first go of this challenge, excited to see all the art

    1. you need labels so all your related posts show in the linky here! :o) Add one and I will fix the rest

  28. Poo. I put in the wrong link. I will go back and create a correct one,but would you remove the first JenHoney, please?

    1. It was probably done already because I only see one :o)

  29. I finally learned how to sign up, but I'm confused about options to participate. Do I post photos here? Is it necessary to get a Mr. Linky? I just had my computer rescued from much malware and I am a little concerned about downloading anything else.

    1. Please read it again. I hope it makes sense...
      No, you do not at all need Mr Linky. You PASTE your link in the Linky on the tab that says "Feb 2014 (on top menu tabs)

  30. After reading a few posts here, I realize that I am not the only one having problems. How hard can this be? Surely there is some simplistic information in compact form to guide us through ths. And I thought I was at least marginally computer stuff. Too much new info for my old brain.l

    1. These are old last years comments too. :o)
      Hhmmm I thought it was simple information:

      Type your post, add a label (On your right as you are typing a post in your blog), then post it...
      Click on your own label, copy that link from your browser...
      then come here and paste it in the Linky

      If you still do not understand it, that's ok, just have the label, and I will fix the rest from here.
      You do not download anything, you post your photos in your own blog, and people will see them by clicking in THIS blog's Linky. All will show because they will be linked by a label.
      So make sure you have a label :o)

  31. Having fun with the 29 faces. I began late, but I am doing the work now and learning about blogs. I think I need a remedial course in blogging....Surely it is not as difficult as I am making it.

    1. I think you might have problems from the "dynamic" template? I myself prefer the simple templates. Bloggspot is the easier of blogs out there in my opinion :o)
      I have some tutorials in my main blog if you'd like to see
