
Oct 7, 2016

Hundreds of faces! #29faces

I'm a week late to close the event but sometimes that's how life goes :oP

I want to thank each and every person participating in this challenge! To those that finished them all, to those that just made a few.... Those that found it hard and those that tried something new to them.... Pat yourself in the shoulder, you guys!! I hope you all had fun, met new friends and learned something new about yourself, I know I did, and loved seeing your art every day, here and in facebook, instagram, hundreds of faces!

Remember you can still post in the public page if you didn't finish. ♥

Here is a collection of faces from Maria Clark, Sweet Willow Designs.

See you in February!

Sep 27, 2016

How are you doing?

I hope everyone is having fun and learning something new about your own capabilities and art preference.
I myself am learning patience and acceptance that sometimes we just have to take a detour, take a different path or slow down, even if I know I can do better.... Why? Because every time I run this challenge, something unplanned happens. This time was a move, which we were so sure would happen in October, but no, had to be as September started and it has been nuts.
We still can' find stuff in boxes -- so much for having someone helping, right?
But anyway, I am trying to keep up, changed directions, switched gears and I am doing the challenge on my iPad, which I have to confess, I have no idea how to use fast and therefor the "patience" part of my learning while doing the challenge.

Talk to you soon and I hope whatever you are dong, you are having fun!!

Aug 24, 2016

29 faces in September

Here is the blog button!
You can copy the text and paste it in a gadget in your blog, and feel free to post it anywhere else you want, just include a link to this blog so people don't get lost.

Before we start, it helps to tell others what is this challenge, so make your first post about your goal this September, like: pencil sketches, or watercolor faces, or any technique you want to improve or try for the 1st time ♥

On the 1st of September (pacific time) I will upload a tab (top menu) with the "Mr Linky" for everyone to add their challenge related posts. As always, any unrelated blog will be deleted.

Are you getting hyper about it?? . . . . I am!!! :oD

Questions?  Check the side bar menu ---->>
Comments? Always welcome!

Aug 18, 2016

Two more weeks! for 29 faces in September

It's that time of year again! Weather starts changing, cool to warm, warm to cool, depending on where we are in the planet... and  we start thinking of 29 faces ♥

What new to you tool do you want to use, to practice with?
Is there a paper, canvas, material you are curious to try?
Is there a medium you heard of but are hesitant to use?

This is the time to dare! Use all the collage paper, the pencils, pastels, crayons etc that have been thinking of buying, or better yet... you already bought but have not tried!!

The fun of this project is that you will be in the same boat as many artists of different levels, doing faces, trying new things, or a new technique, and you know that practice makes perfect, so, working every day for a month, will leave you with more experience in that area or with that product, in the company of people that will celebrate your work, and give you awesome eye candy in their blogs, for you to admire.

Win/win situation!

So, get ready, grab the blog button *(coming up soon), invite any other friend that you think might want to try portraits, even if it is their first time! All levels welcome, all countries, all mediums, all sizes.

People that have participated before can tell you it is a crazy lot of fun! ;oD

See you in September!

P.S. Check the tabs on the top menu to see past events! hundreds and hundreds of faces to see, from all over the world!

Mar 18, 2016

See you in September ♥ #29faces

Hey guys, this is a slide show with my faces for this past February, I hope you had as much fun as I did.... and be ready for next September when we do it again!! It will be the 11th edition ..... 4 years strong!

If you want to see more weekly art, journaling and some doll making, subscribe to my channel!  it is free! (°‿~ )✌   (link in the video)

P.S. I noticed in the past months different groups with a similar name  to "29 faces", which is kind of sad and confusing. (30, 24, 100, 365 etc faces) and have nothing to do with this challenge... I wish they had picked another different name, but that's what it is.

The 29 faces challenge runs in February and September and all levels of expertise and mediums are welcome ♥

Thanks for visiting!

Feb 18, 2016

A note of self respect and appreciation

Dear artist friends:
Each time for the past 4 years that I have run the 29 faces challenge, I hear all kinds of comments about the frustration of a starting artist or worse yet, some vague or direct criticism of another person's art (do not worry, I cut those short from the group, after a friendly recommendation of being kind and not a troll).

I want you to read this words out-loud: "No one is born knowing" I have been saying that countless times not only for art but life in general. In fact it is one of my favorite things to say!
We are born knowing nothing. We do not have to be perfect when we just started a new craft. Give yourself permission to have many messy creations -in this case faces-. And do not compare yourself with someone that has been working on their craft for years.

Respect and love those distorted wobbly faces, because those are the first steps to go where you want!
Being it  realism or whimsical... pencil sketches or oils. It all needs, requires and it is expected to have "ugly", "messy", "weird" pieces.
If you don't like them, observe what it is that you don't like and work on it. Enjoy the steps. I can promise you with practice you will get where you want. Take it in small parts, work on eyes for a while, then only in making the mouth... then maybe ears, or nose...
If you are totally new to drawing, don't expect a Da Vinci result, but rather see the components of a face, practice parts of the face till you got them the way you want.

It is perfectly fine to do whimsical and do them in your own style. Not everyone has to do realism! If you like a more realistic approach then by all means, practice and accept the "fail" faces, and then compare them months later or a year later and you will see how much you have grown as an artist.
I have seen it time after time, right here in the challenge! :o)

Do not give up. Find the time to practice for a few minutes and more than anything, have fun in this challenge, with hundreds of other  like-minded people flying together.

Much love and a pat in the shoulder for you ♥

Jan 22, 2016

29 faces blog button for feb 2016

Here is the button!
Post it in your blog, or any social network, just link back here so people can find it and play too. I will have a "grab button" in the side bar for easier posting.
Are you getting ready? What new thing will you try? Or what technique, tool or media want to perfect more?
All levels welcome! as long as you are willing to try ♥

I will have the Mr Linky ready on Feb 1st, as early as possible, Pacific time (which sorry, but it is like "yesterday time" to many lol)

See you soon!
*Also, on a separate note: for those interested in online classes, I am part of this art journaling class starting also in February! Click HERE to learn more/register.

Jan 18, 2016

4 years and going strong!

WWoooWHoooohh! This February is a leap year! The reason why 29 faces in February was created! To celebrate the leap year and to practice making faces.... one a day will hone your abilities and you will be so amazed what daily practice can make for you.

Get ready for February the 1st... we will have so much fun! Tell everyone, invite anyone that loves making faces OR that would love to practice and learn more!

See you in a couple of weeks!

FB page HERE   ~    FB art Group HERE     ~   Check the TABS to see past events ♥

Only art inclined people invited. Any medium, and level of experience welcome.