
Aug 24, 2016

29 faces in September

Here is the blog button!
You can copy the text and paste it in a gadget in your blog, and feel free to post it anywhere else you want, just include a link to this blog so people don't get lost.

Before we start, it helps to tell others what is this challenge, so make your first post about your goal this September, like: pencil sketches, or watercolor faces, or any technique you want to improve or try for the 1st time ♥

On the 1st of September (pacific time) I will upload a tab (top menu) with the "Mr Linky" for everyone to add their challenge related posts. As always, any unrelated blog will be deleted.

Are you getting hyper about it?? . . . . I am!!! :oD

Questions?  Check the side bar menu ---->>
Comments? Always welcome!

Aug 18, 2016

Two more weeks! for 29 faces in September

It's that time of year again! Weather starts changing, cool to warm, warm to cool, depending on where we are in the planet... and  we start thinking of 29 faces ♥

What new to you tool do you want to use, to practice with?
Is there a paper, canvas, material you are curious to try?
Is there a medium you heard of but are hesitant to use?

This is the time to dare! Use all the collage paper, the pencils, pastels, crayons etc that have been thinking of buying, or better yet... you already bought but have not tried!!

The fun of this project is that you will be in the same boat as many artists of different levels, doing faces, trying new things, or a new technique, and you know that practice makes perfect, so, working every day for a month, will leave you with more experience in that area or with that product, in the company of people that will celebrate your work, and give you awesome eye candy in their blogs, for you to admire.

Win/win situation!

So, get ready, grab the blog button *(coming up soon), invite any other friend that you think might want to try portraits, even if it is their first time! All levels welcome, all countries, all mediums, all sizes.

People that have participated before can tell you it is a crazy lot of fun! ;oD

See you in September!

P.S. Check the tabs on the top menu to see past events! hundreds and hundreds of faces to see, from all over the world!