
Feb 28, 2015

Saying good bye, till September!

Somehow February passes by so quickly, an not necessary because it is missing a couple of days I think, but also because making art seems to seep it up.

Whatever the reason, I hope this past 28 days you had a wonderful time doing your thing, experimenting, learning something new... having fun!
Don't feel bad if you didn't finish the 29 faces, you can still keep posting as you go, and visit all the other bloggers to say hi, now that there is a bit more time :o)

I will be working on a FAQ to have handy the information ♥ 

We'll be back again in September!

Art by Happy Tiler, taken with permission

Feb 7, 2015

How was your 1st week of the challenge?

Are you having a good time? I am!
And for those that just now heard of the 29 faces.... it isn't too late! In fact, it is never late: You can start any time in February! And come back in September, don't forget!