
Sep 24, 2014

The last few days!

Can you believe we are getting close to the end of the challenge?

Have you tried something new? Work on a smaller size.... work on a larger size!
Find those 30 minutes to paint or draw... maybe play with editing a photo in an app... You still have a few days to practice, to improve, to try some scary messy technique... it doesn't matter what kind of art style it is, play with it!

Share your link in the Linky... post in the page or in the group... we all are having so much fun with the huge variety of faces ♥ Oh... visit the blogs and enjoy the eye candy!


  1. Thank You this amaising challenge! I have painted big and small, pen and watercolors, stranges, many teckniques... I don't want to stop :-D

  2. Yep, it went by fast. I will be posting my last ones on Friday on PPF, and then make a little book of my paintings. I do this at Flickr. On Friday I will upload the 29 pix to flickr and order the little book. Some of my faces are already there. I do believe that after Friday, perhaps on the 1st. of October, I will be shutting down my blog till January 1, 2015. This is what I have in mind to do, sometimes though one has to leave comments on favorite blogs. Time for a rest of this screen, only to be used to search for useful info, etc. I'm hoping I can do this. Have a great day and it's been fun and thanks for hosting. My last post for 29Faces this coming Friday. I actually didn't get many visits and those that did show from the link didn't leave a comment. I tried stopping at a lot of blogs but it gets really busy doing that. Oh well, can't win em all Take care.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting this again,it's been great fun!

  4. Thank you for hosting this wonderful challenge! It has been so inspirational to visit others' blogs and see what they have been creating, I believe I've visited each blog. So much to see and enjoy.
    I've tried to exit my comfort zones in almost every face, it has sometimes been pain but for the most fun!
